
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Celebrating the 4th

I was looking through my wallhangings I have made over the years, to change out what I want to hang up around my home. Since we are approaching the 4th, I always pull out this small flag. I originally made it right after 9/11, because I wanted a flag to hang in my office cubicle to show my support. From then on, I always took it with me from job to job, until I got laid off about 5 years ago. Now I just keep it at home and hang it out on the 4th and the anniversary of 9/11.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Rug Hooking Part 2

So here is Another completed rug that I have hooked. What I like best about this rug is, I found a red tartan plaid wool piece to do the scottie's bow and the ribbon framing the rug.

Thursday, June 28, 2012


Yipee! As of June, I'm all caught up on my Farmer's Wife blocks.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Taking a Stab at Applique

I just completed this, Block 1 of Amela's Rose Garden. I still have much, lots, a ton to learn about hand applique. I really struggled with this, probably because I chose a complicated tiny piece project to tackle for my first project. I have 13 more blocks, and a center mediallon to do before this quilt will be done. Yikes!

I am not sure whether to plow ahead and keep working on it, or if I should try some larger pieces project, to get in some good practice? What does anyone out there think?

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Rug Hooking Part 1

When I set up my new sewing room, I made up a corner for my rug hooking hobby. I didn't have all of it unpacked when I took the pictures. When I did some more unpacking, I came accross my very first project I did. I took a class about 7 years ago, and this was the pattern everyone did. I have yet to get this project bound, but because it isn't, I have been able to use it as an example in the classes I have since taught. It may not ever get bound!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Fat Quarter Quilt Mystery Designer block 1

Remember when I squealed about the package I got the other day? Well I've got the first block done from the Fat Quarter Shop Mystery Designer BOM. I really, like the colors, I mean really like the colors. And I am not a red or tourquise fan! This first block was designed by Ann Sutton of Bunny Hill Designs. Easy instructions, and it goes together like a dream.

Below is a method I have used for the last four years or so to store my quilt blocks They are plastic sleeves that are 12"X12" made for scrapbooking paper sheets. These sleeves have a pocket in front, and comes with a lined card, similar to an index card, and on the back side is a half pocket on the inside of the sleeve for aditional storage. As you can see, it's where I keep the pattern(s) of what I am working on. These sleeves are perfect for my BOMs as I can keep them stored, adding each block month by month and until I am ready to assemble the quilt top. They keep my blocks out flat, no fold lines, and dust free. The sleeves are made by Cropper Hopper with 3 to a package. I found mine at Wal-Mart for about $6.50 four years ago, I have not seen them there since.

Friday, June 22, 2012

LQC June Blocks

Like I said in yesterday's post, I was back at working on my monthly blocks. Here are my LQS blocks for June.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

First 2012 "Finished" Project

Well, I finally have a completed project for 2012. This is the "Gone Fishin'" baby quilt for a co-worker. I will have to say, this is the first time I have used binding of the same fabric as the outer border. I am truely suprised that I really like it, and will most likely do more this way, maybe even start making it my signature look.

So, I gave it to her today, and she loved it!

Now back to my many BOM's and Club blocks I'm working on for the year.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Hydrangea's are a Bloomin'

I love this time of year in Oregon. From now on there will be something blooming. Right now its the hydrangeas. All of mine are blue. I wnt to get a pink one, since pink is my favorite color. But until I get one, i will continue to enjoy my blue ones.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Grandma's Clematis

This clemitas, is a very special clematis. You see this was my grandma's. She got it about 30 years ago while living in Denver. The Rockies region must have not been the best place to grow one, because she nutured, and spent a lot of time keeping it alive. Then she moved to live in New Mexico and brought it with her. Again this reagion was not easy to grow one either, but she planted it and continued to nuture it and it flourished. After she passed, my Mom took it and transplanted to there different place of living when thy downsized for retirement. Then finally about three years ago my Mom brought it all the way from New Mexico to our place in Oregon. Let me tell you, clematis love the Pacific Northwest! Every year it just gets bigger, better, and more brilliant. This means a lot to me.....

Friday, June 15, 2012

Progress on the Baby Quilt

Here is the progress I made on the "Gone Fishing" baby quilt that I started Wednesday. All that is left to do is the binding.


Look what came in the mail today!!! Squeal!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Baby Quilt - Gone Fishing

I threw this together today because a fellow co-worker is due in the next month. I don't know her that well, so I used a sample set from Benatrex Gone Fishing. They were in a scrap bag from a quilt shop employee, 34- 5" squares. Since that would not be enough to make even a small baby quily, I decided to add some texture using minkee and chenille.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Show and Tell

I had found this in the flurry of moving and re-arranging my sewing room some more this week, as a project I had done last spring. You might recongize the pattern from Crabapple Hill. I am a big fan of their embroidery patterns.

I went to my monthly quilt club today and they have a portion of the time for show and tell. So, I took this in and "showed" it off. I need to get it stuffed and find a nice spot for it.