
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Third One Done

I completed my commissioned order by getting the third bag done yesterday.  I have sent off pictures and the customer is pleased and excited.  It is so nice to have good customers!  As soon as i sent the pictures and listed it in my Etsy shop, she immediately paid for the bags.  So, hubby and I found a box, taped it up, labeled it with the postage, and he graciously took it to the post office on his way back to work from lunching at the house.

I won't bore you with the details of this last bag, because the other posts about the bags should explain this one, I'll just share the pictures.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Second One Done

Here is the second of the three commissioned bag order I am working on.  I didn't think the Snoopy print was going to look very good made into this bag, but I am quite surprised on how cute it turned out!

I used yellow as a contrast color and for the zipper.  The main print has just a touch of this yellow, so I picked using it and I think it works just right.

This is the bag's lining, in the cute yellow contrast, and a pocket using the main Snoopy print.  I like to use light colors for linings, because it makes it easier to find things in the bag. 

The reversible bucket is made with a dark purple ( even though it looks like a dark blue), and the same yellow as the lining. 

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Squeezed One In

I squeezed a new commissioned order in between my three bag order.  I worked on this one for the last two days, and my customer is just so excited and really likes the result.  He special ordered this for his girlfriend's birthday (which is Aug 4th), so we were cutting it close.  The customer's request was the camo two zip hipster, with a pink lining and with pink stitching.  This is the final result.

I used dark pink zippers for the outside pocket, and for the top opening.

And for the lining, I used a pink camo that has the "Browning" deer logo overlaid on the print.  It is hard to see in the lining, but below is a better picture of the fabric.

Look real hard, the deer is there, just sideways!  

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Block Two FQS Designer Mystery BOM

As promised here is block two of the 2013 FQS BOM.  Isn't it darling.  It almost has a paper pieced look about it, but it just has a lot of pieces.  I am looking forward to the next blocks.

Last year I included the prior blocks in the BOM, so my readers could see them all in one post each time I get the next month's block done.  So here is....

Block One

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Block One 2013 FQS Designer Mystery BOM

In a prior post, I mentioned that I signed up for the next year's Fat Quarter Shop Designer Mystery Block of the Month.  The 2013 BOM is using Joanna Figueroa of Fig Tree Quilts new line called Avalon, and will be basket patterns with a twist.  Like, this first block, has a log cabin block in the middle of the basket pattern.  I think it is just adorable.

You can find out more information here on the Fat Quarter Shop website, but as I look at it tonight, all they are offering are the finishing kits and no sign up for the BOM.  Maybe the program is full?  If you are really interested, you might give them a call to see if you can join.

I have bag two done of the three commissioned order, but the pictures came out yucky, so I will redo pics and post more about it tomorrow.  I finished it late in the afternoon, and didn't feel like starting on the next one so I had this blocked cut out and wanted to get it done so I could stay caught up on the program.  Plus, I wanted some fun time sewing.  I also have block two cut out, and should be able to post it in a day or two.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

One Done

This is the first of three purses that I have been working on for a commissioned order I mentioned a few posts ago.

This is the inside of the bag.

And this is a quick peek at the reversible "bucket" piece.  It is a nice geometric print that has all the team colors!  I can't take the credit for finding the print, though, because my wonderful husband found it.  He always goes to the fabric stores with me and encourages me and my craft!  And in doing so, he's learning what I am looking for and can be a big help, especially when there are several bolts to be carried!

I know I am very lucky..... 

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Some Sew Time

I am waiting for some supplies to come in the mail to complete my commissioned bags, so i spent some time this afternoon working on the sashing pieces for last year's BOM from the Fat Quarter Shop.

I am usually not a fan of flying geese blocks, but I took my time in cutting out the pieces, and sewed each piece separately instead of trying to chain piece.  This time I am very pleased that all my points came out perfect. 

This will be the layout of the quilt top before the borders will be added.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Mini Design Wall

This is my mini design wall that I have used for the past few years.  It is a 12" X 12" piece of cardboard (off the back of a pad of scrapbook paper) covered with a piece of white flannel.    This way, I can be mobile with the current projects I am working on.  For instance, I needed some contrasting fabric to go with the commissioned project I a currently working on, so I was able to take this board to the fabric shop, and have all the other pieces there for comparison.

Now, we all know that while fabric will "stick" to flannel, but to actually transport it around to and from a store, I use a plastic folder (also from the scrapbooking craft).  This plastic sleeve is perfect for taking my swatches into the store and use it to get the additional items I am looking to get in order to complete my projects.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Another Commissioned Order

I have made several of these 3 in 1 bags, and I have some available on my Etsy site.  That is where I was contacted by a past customer to make three more of these bags in another team print.  So, I will busy in the sewing room getting this commissioned order out the door.  The fabric had to be ordered, as team fabrics found locally are those only for the area in which one lives.  I will be posting the finished products as I go have a nice picture of them.  Below are detailed pictures of the bag and how it works, because it does give you three different looks, thus the name 3 in 1 bag.  Click on the 3 in1 label below this post if you want to find out more information regarding this pattern.