
Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Vintage Sampler Block 9 - Feathered Star

I came back to show you that I finished the feathered star.

Some of the points are not perfect, but once it gets quilted, they will blend in and won't show so bad.

I'm on to working on the next section of the kitchen cabinets.  


Sunday, July 16, 2017

Working on Vintage Sampler

I have been working on the Vintage Sampler, the next is a large Feathered Star block.  Anyone who has done one of these blocks, knows it is somewhat a difficult block.  

There are 133 pieces when the block is completed.  I have to keep everything labeled, and organized, so I can't do chain piecing.  So, if you look at the back of the first picture, you will see the last few blocks of the leader and ender "bowties".  Yes!  I am at the end of this project.  The next few weeks, I will be trying to figure out how I will be putting them together.  I have enough blocks to make two over-sized twin quilts.

Here is a block as a ender of one of the sides of the star points.

Snapshot of a layout of another part of the feathered star.

Some of the finished areas of the feathered star.  Taking a couple of days working on it, a few hours at a time.

I am also working on refinishing my kitchen cabinets this summer.  I am a novice at this kind of project, so I am taking lots of time to get it right.  It will take more than the rest of the summer to get them done.

Here is the before (cabinet doors off already).

The after pictures.

One-third done, two-thirds left to go.   Then considering to do the rest of the house, as all the wood (door frames, bathrooms, window sills, and baseboards) all need to be done and updated.   
