I know this blog does not spend too much posts about my garden, but this is the progress so far for 2014 season.
This first picture is the garden boxes (with the chicken house in the background) full of produce.
This first picture is the garden boxes (with the chicken house in the background) full of produce.
This is how well my peas are doing. These peas are from seed I saved from last year by letting some pods dry naturally on the vine. We will be harvesting and shelling peas by end of next week. They have been in the ground since the first weekend of February.
This is my lettuce bed, with several varieties of lettuce from Romaine to red and green leaf. The greens that are blooming yellow flowers is mustard greens, and the three heads on the end are actually brussels sprouts.
The rest of the garden boxes have good growing plants, but nothing else is close to harvesting yet, so more on them later.
Now for the blooming flowers this early spring.
This is the only Peony I was able to capture, as the others bloomed while I was out of town the month of May.
And this is the wagon full of all kinds of blooming annuals. I have this sitting in the corner of the grass area of the yard, just outside of the chicken yard. It is part of what I see when I look out my picture window of my sewing room.
The Pacific Northwest is one of the best places I have lived to grow things so easily. They have a saying here that goes something like this, "You really can't kill anything here, no matter how hard you try." Smile.
Wonderful garden!