Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Moving the Sewing Room

The chaos of moving one sewing room to another is daunting, especially when you have as much accumulations (border line hoarding?) as I have right now. This is the reason I have not gotten much sewing accomplished this week.

This is what (chaos) you see when you first walk in from the kitchen.

As you turn to your left, this is my storage area of current projects. These are the IKEA shelves we got a couple of weeks ago.

Now, this is the right side of the room, where my big picture window is looking out on my chickens, backyard and garden. I think I am really going to just love sitting here to sew and see all of these things out my window, and I know I will enjoy the natural light.

I call this area my primative area, where I will be working with wools, and do my wool rug hooking!

Finally, this is looking the oppisite way from the first picture, showing the entrance from the kitchen and the door to outside that leads to the back patio!

1 comment:

Pat from Florida said...

What a chore moving is, but it does force you to go thru all your stuff. Are those Expedits from IKEA? I want those! Just popping in from the FWS QAL, checking out the blogs, as I'm new.