Welcome to my new sewing room! My wonderful husband added this room onto our house just for me and my wonderful world of sewing and crafting. I spend a lot of time here...I am in the "zone" when I am able to be here, and I feel a real peace! Come in and share my wonderful room with me.
This is the what you see when you walk into the room. What's really nice is that this room is right off my kitchen and laundry room.
This is looking more to the right of the room as you walk in, and you can see my big picture window. This window looks out onto my backyard, garden, and our chickens. I can see when my husband comes home or if anyone else comes to visit.
This view is looking to the left of the sewing room as you walk in, and yes those are shelf units from IKEA. They are the greatest for holding fabric that you can view and see what you have ant any given time.
Here is my cutting table. My husband made it from furniture grade plywood and put it on some 4x4 posts on one end and the other end is a custom build shelf unit one of my boys made for me many years ago in shop class. It gives me lost of storage under the table and still allows me to access it on both sides. The table measures 4' wide and 8' feet long.
As you walk further into the room, to the left, is a sitting area, where my husband comes and joins me in the evenings. Behind the the chair is a regular sized closet. I plan on putting a institutional sized shelving unit (painting the grey steel pink of course!)

This is a metal sign I got off e-bay, that I hung over the door that you see when leaving the sewing room into the kitchen. Just lets everyone know what goes on in my room!

I salvages this old yard stick originally from a hardware store, and another sign about sewing above the door that goes out to our back patio. This is to the right as you walk into the sewing room. It's nice during the spring and summer months to have the door open and have fresh air coming into the room. The weather in the Pacific Northwest is fairly mild most of the year. Even when it rains, the porch/patio is covered and being able to open the door is wonderful!

I chose small windows towards the back of my room, because I wanted the most wall space that I could get, but still get the natural light. The view to the back of the room is just my husband's shop and not anything to look at in my opinion. I named my dress form Molly. Update: I have put a nice pink shirt on her so that she is presentable. I collect dress forms of any shape and size. I have some in this window shown here, one hanging on the wall out of wire, and several sitting on the IKEA shelves.

Here is a better view out my picture window. The white boxes are my raised garden beds, and the bigger pitched roof box is the hen house for my 12 chickens.

This is a better view of the door that leads out to the patio, and the work area where I press, and have a mini design wall.

View from the standing on the other side of my cutting table with projects laid out ready to work on.

This corner is to the back left of the room showing the other window. This corner is dedicated to my wool workings. I rug hook and appliqué using wool in small projects. The sign under the window says, "wool, wool, and more wool". The window has folk art cats, an antique sock darner, different types and sizes of wooly sheep.

Another view of the Wool Area. The small table is a Singer treadle base that fits just perfect in this corner.

A better view of the IKEA shelves, full of projects just ready to be stitched up. On top of the shelves is a collection of all things pink that I have collected over the years. I also collected big quilt hoops over the years, and instead of trying to store them in a closet, I thought it would look appropriate hanging on the wall.

A closer view of my dress forms. The little square box is a shadow box with grid shelving inside that I use to show off my thimbles I have collected.