I was looking for a past Thimbleberries past club project*, and came accross this wonderful "wreath" wallhanging. If you look closely, you will see that the top is completed, and it has been sandwiched and pinned, ready for quilting.
Anyone who is new to quilting will find Lynette's way of quilting is so detailed and simple, allowing you to learn and then have a nice project when done. I cut my qiulting teeth on her methids, and way of quilting. I still use all that I learned from her in all my quilt sewing today.
When I first came accross it, I thought since Christmas is coming up (quicker than I have time for), I figured I could get this quilted and bound in time to hang on the wall for all to see during the holidays.
I got started tonight, by outlining the inside and outside of the wreath. I think I will be doing a small stippling in the light areas, and a medimum stippling in the dark areas.

* I think I have written about the years of Thimbleberries clubs that I have partcipated in and each club had twelve complete big projects, not just a block a month. This project can be found in Lynette Jensen's book "In Celbration of Quilting". The club was through an online quilt shop called The Main Street Cotton Shop, which had all things Thimbleberries, and club after club after club. I just found out in trying to link to the online store, that after 31 years of doing business, the owner retired, and closed the store. That's sad for me, but wonderful for the owner!
Anyone who is new to quilting will find Lynette's way of quilting is so detailed and simple, allowing you to learn and then have a nice project when done. I cut my qiulting teeth on her methids, and way of quilting. I still use all that I learned from her in all my quilt sewing today.
When I first came accross it, I thought since Christmas is coming up (quicker than I have time for), I figured I could get this quilted and bound in time to hang on the wall for all to see during the holidays.
I got started tonight, by outlining the inside and outside of the wreath. I think I will be doing a small stippling in the light areas, and a medimum stippling in the dark areas.
* I think I have written about the years of Thimbleberries clubs that I have partcipated in and each club had twelve complete big projects, not just a block a month. This project can be found in Lynette Jensen's book "In Celbration of Quilting". The club was through an online quilt shop called The Main Street Cotton Shop, which had all things Thimbleberries, and club after club after club. I just found out in trying to link to the online store, that after 31 years of doing business, the owner retired, and closed the store. That's sad for me, but wonderful for the owner!