En Provence Mystery quilt of 2016, part 7, is the last part of this mystery quilt. It included two separate blocks (several units of each) and the finishing instructions to complete the quilt.
First up are blocks that are the same block as part 6 only has different color placement. This by the way is a Hour Glass Block, very easy to do.
The next set of blocks, in the instructions, were to be a 3 inch block of one print of yellow. I felt that wouldn't be scrappy enough, so I decided to cut it into 4 equal pieces to make up the 3 inch block.
This is the some of the parts, laid out to make the main block of this quilt. As you can see the scrappy yellow blocks look really nice with the rest of the scrappy block. This is a really large block, bigger than 12", and there are 16 of them in this quilt.
The next few pictures were taken, as I was working on piecing the quilt blocks and the sashing blocks to complete the top.
This first picture is of Woodstock from the Peanuts cartoon. there is only one block of him in the whole quilt. I thought it was too cute not to get a picture of it.
This is my bucket (the plastic bins you get when you stay in the hospital) that I use to hold all the parts as I finished them, and then pull them out to make the final blocks to sew together.
Here is the pile of completed block parts along with the sashing parts ready to be sewn all together.
This is just a picture of the overflow of parts from making them each week. I made extra of each part, because I wanted to make sure I wouldn't have any scrappy prints of the same print get sewn next to each other.
This is the start of sewing the blocks and the sashing together. The quilt is square, with 4 blocks across and 4 blocks down with sashing blocks in-between.

This is the best picture I could get this winter here in the Pacific Northwest, as it has been a very wet winter. This is the finished top. If you look really close at the top of the quilt, you will see a white "border". This border is made from the left over pieces from part 1, 2 and 4.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
The first round of border has the 4 patch with a part 2 and a part 4 every two blocks, and then the final outside border is a round of 4 patch blocks. It give the illusion of the pink and purple stars floating out into the border. Really cool. I'll try to get a better picture of the border when I finish the quilt.
Below is a close up the of the scrappy blocks, and yes as I look at the picture, I see a misplaces piece, but I am not going to change it, as it is such a busy pattern, I don't think anyone will see it once it is quilted. There's probably more than this misplacement, but overall the quilt looks really pretty. The picture does not do it justice.
As it was laying on the bed, I called in my mom and asked her if she liked the finished look. She of course liked it a lot, but purple is a color she really likes. I told her that even though I think it came out prettier than I expected, it is not something I would ever use in my house. Then we discussed a very close friend of hers that absolutely loved purple, if she would like receiving the quilt. My mom, excitedly said yes, this quilt would be perfect for her, so we decided that when it got quilted, we would ship it off to her. A happing for everyone all around.
Hope to have finishing pictures soon.